10 Mind-Blowing Images

These stunning pictures will make you want to Explore Ontario. Which is your favourite?

Sunsets, moose, stunning views and magical moments captured by The Planet D on their sizzling summer adventures in Ontario.  There are many compelling images to choose from - here are a selection of my favourites!

Deb soaking up the beauty from the top of the Cup and Saucer Trail on Manitoulin Island.

Witnessing the beauty of the Milky Way from the Slate Islands on Lake Superior. Clear nights and no light pollution were perfect conditions for night photography.

TIP: Want to learn how to shoot the milky way? Read this great article in Outdoor Photography Canada 

Getting up close to a majestic moose in Algonquin Provincial Park wilderness is a WOW experience.

This adventure should be on your bucket list. Read more here.

 A sunset to remember on the Benjamin Islands, North Channel. Lake Huron. This is a great place to escape and enjoy the beauty provided by nature.  


While on Manitoulin Island, near Gordon's Park Dark-sky Preserve, Dave created this dazzling image of star trails using a special photography technique. 

TIP: Photographing star trails can be challenging but also rewarding. Here's some tips to help you get started and a list of RASC recognized dark-sky preserves in Canada. Happy shooting.  

Dave comes face to face with some raging whitewater on the Ottawa River - in the whitewater capital of Canada

Deb felt very small looking over the vastness of Lake Superior. Hiking was part of the Kayaking with Caribou adventure

Dave is upside down and underwater doing a kayak roll in the Madawaska River at the Madawaska Kanu Centre.

TIP: This image was taken with a GoPro. It's a must-have camera to capture stunning photos and videos of your adventures.  


Dave captures this stunning sunset on their perfect getaway at Rock Island Lodge on Lake Superior's North Shore.

About Trish Manning

Trish Manning is an adventure travel writer and the content coordinator for Ontario Outdoor Adventures. She is an avid outdoor person who loves to hike, paddle, SUP, snowshoe, cross-country ski and explore Ontario's great outdoors with her golden retriever, Daisy.

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