Connie Larson

Connie Larson is an author and outdoor adventurer. She attributes her storytelling ability to her ancestors, one of whom worked as a writer for the Hudson Bay Company. As a prior Executive Director of Lake of the Woods Property Owners Association, she wrote numerous articles for the local news. An avid fisherwoman, gardener, hunter, cross-country skier, snowshoer, and kayaker, she left city life behind in 1996 and never returned. She spent 15 years as a permanent resident on an island on Lake of the Woods in Northwestern Ontario. Her love of the lake inspired her to write The Pack: Perils and Peace of Nature – Lake of the Woods.

She holds a degree in Equine Management, owned her own renovation company in Alberta, was a prior Executive Director of Lake of the Woods Property Owners Association, a Member of the Metis Nation, and is recently a semi-retired Certified Residential Appraiser maintaining ownership in a company in Missouri. She lives on a lake in New Brunswick with her pack: her spouse, Jim, and their Alaskan malamute, Koda.

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