Erin Rody

I grew up on Black Sturgeon Lake in Northwestern Ontario. I am a staff writer for the Sunset Country Travel Association. Through my articles I hope to entice you to visit the wonderful region I call home. We are all about outdoor adventure; with 70,000 lakes and rivers and a whole lot of forests how can we not be? Whether you like to fish, hunt, canoe, kayak, boat or go camping, Sunset Country has something for you. Enjoy!

More Articles By Erin Rody

6 sand beaches in Kenora

Cool off at one of these drive-to or boat-to beaches in Sunset Country!

10 Reasons to Avoid Ontario

Haters of wilderness, wildlife, and quiet: best steer clear.

9 Must-Read Books About Northwestern Ontario

From history to mystery, these books capture the spirit of the North.

Big Flavours in a Small City

Kenora, Ontario's international eats!

Top 5 Reasons You Should Be Fishing in Morson, Ontario

Looking for somewhere new to fish? Check out this hidden gem on Lake of the Woods.

A Christmas Tradition in Kenora Since 1931

Kenora does it right...

A Guide to Bringing Your Pets on Vacation to Canada

Here's what you need to know to enjoy a relaxing getaway with your favourite furry friend.

6 Reasons to Book a Fall Vacation to Sunset Country

Sunny days + cool nights + zero bugs = heaven on Earth.

6 Ways to Get Your 10,000 Steps This Fall

Strap on your fitness tracker and hike one of these beautiful trails in Northwest Ontario.

Curious as to which fish species are in your favourite lake?

Use this interactive map to find out.

What makes Wabigoon such a great lake to fish?

Well for one, it has potential for the next world record muskie!

Snowmobile Trails in Sunset Country

Ride the wilderness trails in Sunset Country

Top Gifts for Christmas!

7 Tips for Choosing a Canadian Fishing Resort

Vacationing in Sunset Country has never been easier!

32 Incredible Remote Resorts in Northwest Ontario

You won't believe what's available at some of these remote lodges!

Want to Take a Caribbean Vacation?

Explore the sandy beaches of Northern Ontario's Sable Islands and it's like you're there!

Surprising benefits of a Family Vacation

Should we take a step back, just relax and enjoy each other company?

Sick of your day to day routine?

Shake it up by traveling to a place unknown.

Kakabeka Falls: 5 Reasons to Stop on Your Next Cross Country Trip

This epic waterfall is the best Northern Ontario pit stop ever.

5 Amazing Sights You Can Only See By Boat

From mermaids to boat-in museums, the Northwest corner of Ontario has some of the coolest sights to see on water!