A Family's Canoe Trip On The Moose River

Canoe tripping provides perfect moments. It’s a thing. No matter the suffering, the rain, the bugs, the portages, there are always perfect moments on a canoe trip. For us, it was where the Kwetabohigan River entered the Moose River. We were four days into our trip. We’d just conquered the Kwetobohigan rapids; a set that was more daunting than it needed to be. For the past three days, we’d dreaded and feared what turned out to be a pretty straightforward swift. There was no need for concern. We easily paddled through and immediately found one of the prettiest spots on our entire trip. A gravel bar beach, with the serene mouth of the Kwetabohigan River gurgling into the Moose. We sat around lazily, in the glorious bug-free sunshine. It was here that our group came together.

Moose River Crossing: Where The Wilderness Begins
We’d started as strangers a few days earlier. 13 people on a family adventure with MHO Adventures. We met in Cochrane, loaded onto the Polar Bear Express, then after a short ride north, the train left us in the wilderness, on the side of the tracks at Moose River Crossing. It was a massive bridge that spanned the width of this mighty river. Surrounded by wilderness. There was no more civilization between us and Moose Factory 70 km downstream.

Building Bonds And Sharing Chores
Over those few days, we all got to know one another. Our guides cooked fantastic meals for every meal and kept the kids entertained. We developed a shared language. Shared jokes. And we learned to share in the daily chores.

The Magic Of A Bug-Free Campsite
So when we arrived at this perfect campsite, with perfect weather, we all set about our chores, setting up camp, gathering firewood and casting fishing rods. The kids played with rocks, flowers and driftwood. The adults sat in camp chairs, wrote in journals and read. It was absolutely glorious. It was a perfect canoe trip moment.

The Allure Of Canoe Tripping
And it is these perfect moments that those of us who love canoe tripping are always chasing. Because they always happen. After a few days away from life’s everyday hustle, away from screens and social media, away from bills, car payments and traffic, everyone relaxes. Everyone settles into mother nature. We rebuild our relationship, re-examine our priorities and reconnect with who we are.

Northern Lights: A Perfect Ending
As we all settled into our tents for a lovely night of sleep with the sound of a trickling stream and the silence of nature, the stars began to appear in the clear night sky. And then true perfection occurred; the Northern Lights appeared. While some of the kids were already asleep the adults stood outside mesmerized by the light show. Blues, purples and greens undulated across the night sky, reaffirming for us that every decision we’d made to get here was the right one. Every moment spent packing, planning, stressing and questioning was worth it. This day was the perfect day we’d been looking for. It would be a core memory for our children and for ourselves.

The Enduring Magic Of The Wilderness
And once again, the magic of the Ontario wilderness gave me something so few places can; happiness, gratitude and peace.
No matter what, I’ll drag my family on another canoe trip again next year. Because I know these perfect moments are inevitable.
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