Wanna feel this good?

Did you know that spending time in nature is good for both your physical and mental health? It has been proven to reduce stress, strengthen immune systems, reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and lower blood pressure.
Inspired by the David Suzuki Foundation's 30x30 Challenge, the Ontario Parks 30x30 Nature Challenge encourages people to spend at least 30 minutes per day in nature for 30 days. This year's challenge begins in August.
It doesn't have to take a lot of time and planning. Nature isn't that far away - there are 330 provincial parks all across Ontario. But it's also right in your backyard. Green space can be as close as your neighbourhood park or garden. You can check out local trails and beaches, too.
Here are just some of the ways you can get outside for the 30x30 Challenge this August:
- Go hiking at Sleeping Giant
- Bring your family to the Learn to Fish event at Balsam Lake
- Learn some kayak basics at Frontenac
- Go stargazing at the Halfway Lake Star Party, hosted by the Sudbury Astronomy Club
- Become a citizen scientist by participating in the Summer Loon Count at Killarney
Finding more time for nature is easy and it can really pay off when it comes to your health!
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