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A Remote Fly-in Fishing Experience Like No Other

For those anglers who are looking for a wilderness fishing trip on a budget, there are several options. One of my favourites is through Lauzon Aviation located in Algoma Mills, Ontario. Lauzon Aviation is a family-run business that has been helping anglers access world-class fishing for over 30 years. They have nine rustic outpost cabins on nine separate lakes, each system featuring different species.

On one lake you can have walleye and northern pike and on another, brook trout. These DIY (do-it-yourself) fishing trips are great for groups of anglers or families. We went to Hastie Lake which has incredible smallmouth and largemouth bass fishing. Located at the foothills of the Hastie Lake Mountains, the cabin is surrounded by magnificent scenery on a pine point with a sandy beach nearby.
Each day we cast topwater flies and lures and caught lots of bass to 5 pounds. Lauzon Aviation supplies flight in and out, fully stocked cabin (including kitchen equipment), boat and motor with gas, plus propane for the cabin appliances. Anglers just need to bring their food, sleeping bags and fishing gear. Then you have the whole lake to yourself! Great fishing and totally remote! Lauzon Aviation is ideal because it is affordable and accessible.

Watch Smallmouth Bas Fly Fishing With Lauzon Aviation:
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