10 Reasons for an Algoma Sled Adventure This Winter

’Tis the season for trip planning. With winter ramping up, it’s a natural progression for snowmobilers to start fantasizing about exploring new destinations in search of a deep snow base, silky groomed trails, and untouched powder. And you know, a bit of spectacular scenery and a taste of adventure wouldn't hurt either.
If some, or all of the above is on your trip planning wish list, may I suggest you load up the sleds and make haste for Algoma. You might be thinking: why, what’s the big deal? Allow me to present to you 10 reasons why Algoma should be on your must-ride list this season.
1. Ride The North Shore Loop

You can’t go wrong choosing any of Algoma’s snowmobile touring loops. But if I had to choose one, it would be the North Shore Loop. Perhaps it’s the memories of blue bird skies, long spring days, plentiful snow, non-existent traffic, and the company of friends that still puts a smile on my face and has me longing to return. Definitely a must-do.
2. Take in Historic Architecture

Who needs the Roman Empire when you can bask beneath million-year-old granite walls in the house of Algoma? Towering cliffs, tree-lined corridors, rushing waterways and grand lake vistas: Algoma’s natural architecture is a sight to experience.
3. Impress Your Friends

Collecting memories from your travels is part of the touring experience. Be it for your own scrapbook, or to impress your friends, you won't find a more selfie-worthy subject than Wawa’s giant Canadian Goose. Not to be missed.
4. Track Down the Groomer Guy

Harder to spot than the elusive Lynx, the groomer operator might just be the toughest sighting in Algoma. Following the groomer's track is simple and always a pleasure, but locating the personality behind the wheel, not so easy. Nocturnal by nature, your best bet for a sighting is dinner time at a backcountry lodge before he again disappears into the darkness of the forest.
5. Bond with Friends, New and Old

Why is making new sledding friends in Algoma so easy? Perhaps it’s because the people you meet by the side of or on a frozen lake, in the middle of winter, 100 km from anywhere... hmm, there’s a good chance you have a lot in common. Learn more about snowmobilers in Algoma and what they're doing this winter on the Algoma Sno-Plan Affiliation website.
6. Sample Unique Accommodations

Algoma, like all other Ontario snowmobiling destinations, has a variety of quality sled-accessible accommodations, many of which offer trailer parking.
7. Take in Some Powder
It’s no surprise that Algoma’s Top Secret Boondocking is the worst-kept secret in Canada. That little Yamaha in the photo might not be the best tool for powder days (still fun trying), but with the proper equipment in hand, the powder riding opportunities around Wawa are as endless as they are famous.
8. Impress Your Significant Other

Nothing impresses your significant other as your ability to confidently traverse your way through 1,000 km of Algoma wilderness. The fact that the trail along the way is manicured to perfection, mapped and signed, plus the fact that a comfortable bed and a delicious meal await at the end of the day, well... we’ll keep those little spoils our secret.
9. Come For the Adventure

The epic scope of the Algoma landscape has a way of reducing us to a speck in its grandeur. At the same time, it empowers us with the spirit of adventure. Roaming the land in the company of friends aboard your trusty machine, your worldly possessions reduced to a couple of bags strapped to the back, the sights, the sounds, the memories, they will stay with you forever.
10. Awesome Trails

You might have heard the expression, “The fastest way between two points is a straight line." While that might be the case, the most fun you can have on a snowmobile getting from point A to B is avoiding the straight line as much as possible. When touring Algoma, straight lines are few and far between.
There you go, 10 reasons to make Algoma a must-ride destination this season. Deep snow, silky groomed trails, untouched power, spectacular scenery and a taste of adventure, Algoma has it all.
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