This Conservation Area in Northwestern Ontario Offers a Road Map to Sustainability
Perrault Falls, in the heart of Ontario’s Sunset Country, is a small community with a big vision.
The Perrault Falls Adventure Area (PFAA) was originally established in 1999 as the Cedar River Watershed Association Inc. Its goal is to protect and promote the land, lakes and wildlife.
The PFAA covers 600,000 acres of pristine wilderness in Northwest Ontario. It is an ecosystem independent of the lakes and rivers outside of its boundaries.

Due to the foresight of the lodges in the area, their vision to sustain their fisheries for generations to come is working. The fishing is fantastic and continues to improve each year.
The Perrault Falls Adventure Area Vision
To sustain their fisheries for generations to come by:
- Releasing of larger breeding class fish
- Promoting sustainable fish habits
- Ensure healthy water quality
The lodges in the PFAA follow these guidelines:
- Release all walleye over 18”
- Release all northern pike over 27.5”

If you would like to experience fishing in the Perrault Falls Adventure Area, visit one of the lodges below.
Cliff Lake
Cliff Lake, just off Highway 105, is 5,700 acres of clear water with high rock cliffs surrounding the lake.
Cliff Lake Resorts
canadafishinghunting.com • 888-884-8870
Cedar Lake
Cedar Lake has 6,600 acres of prime fishing and access to 15,000 acres on the six adjoining lakes of the Cedar River Watershed without the need to portage.
Cedar Lake Lodge
sportfishin.com • 807-529-3271 / 519-420-9017 (May to Sept.) C: 519-420-9017 (Oct. to April)
Clark’s Northern Lights Resort
clarksresorts.com • 807-227-2154 or 866-744-2154
Keystone Lodge
keystone-lodge.com • 807-727-0867 (S) or 800-723-8623 (W)

Perrault Lake
Perrault Lake has over 50 miles of shoreline and is directly connected to Cedar Lake which has an additional 67 miles of shoreline.
Manotak Lodge
manotak.com • 800-541-3431
Nordic Point Lodge (formerly Rainbow Point Lodge)
nordicpointlodge.com • 800-282-9039
Perrault Lake Camp
perraultlakecamp.com • 780-623-9721
Rocky Shore Lodge
rockyshorelodge.com • 800-954-3154

Wabaskang Lake
Wabaskang Lake has over 10,000 acres of water and home to walleye, pike, muskie, smallmouth bass, lake trout, Jumbo perch, crappie and whitefish.
Gawley’s Parkview Camp
gawleys.com • 888-874-5734
Jim & Julie’s Wabaskang Camp
wabaskangcamp.com • 807-529-6543 (S) or 319-352-5559 (W)
Kingfisher Resort
kingfisherlodge.com • 800-452-8824
Peffley’s Canadian Wilderness Camp
peffleyscamp.com • 574-220-9936 (S) or 888-713-1250 (W)
Sleepy Dog Cabins
sleepydogcabins.com • 807-529-3165

Tall Pines Camp
tallpinescamp.com • 888-413-3454
Wine Lake
It’s an adventure just getting to Wine Lake! The 20+ mile boat ride to Wine Lake crosses a portage next to a beautiful waterfall.
Wine Lake Camp
winelakecamp.com • 330-351-6659
Pickerel Lake and Surrounding Lakes
Pickerel Creek and Pickerel Lake are just south of Perrault Lake. The two camps here fish both Pickerel Lake and the many nearby surrounding lakes. The choice is yours!
Gold Arrow Camp
fishandhuntontario.com • 807-529-3137 (S) or 260-327-3406 (W)

Pickerel Creek Camp & Outpost
pickerelcreekcamp.com • 807-529-3132
Other things to do in Perrault Falls Adventure Area
Grab a bite to eat or get a cold drink at the Whiskeyjack Restaurant and Tavern which is just south of where Perrault Lake meets Wabaskang Lake on the east side of Highway 105.
View the waterfalls where Perrault Lake flows into Wabaskang. You may have driven over the waterfalls and not even known they were there! It is across from the old Rainbow Point Store (Now Nordic Point Lodge). There is a small gravel parking lot where you can park and walk the path toward the waterfalls. There are no barriers so viewers beware. You can also walk down along the side of the waterfall to see the very lush forest surrounding the water.

You can also choose to take a short drive north up Highway 105 to Ear Falls. Maybe even play a round of golf.
Whatever you choose to do in the Perrault Falls Adventure Area—fishing, hiking, blueberry picking or wildlife viewing—know that its future is in good hands.
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