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5 Ontario ATV Events for Winter 2016-17

Winter is upon us! With the onset of colder weather and snow on the ground, many ATV areas are closed for the year to make room for snowmobile season; however, not every ATVer in Ontario hibernates for the winter. There are plenty of winter rides to take in, so don’t be putting that ATV away just yet!
Here are a few upcoming rides to mark in your calendar:
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Northumberland District ATV Riders Annual Year End Ride

A ride out on the trails is a perfect way to unwind from busy holiday celebrations. The Northumberland District ATV Riders have some beautiful trails in the Northumberland County Forest, along unopened road allowances and on private property.

On Tuesday, December 27, they will be having their Annual Year End ride. Meeting at their club house, participants will have a beautiful guided tour of approximately 80 km of the NDATVR trails. It will culminate with a return to the clubhouse for hot chilli and prizes.
Registration: Cost to participate is $15 for OFATV members and $20 for non-members.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Nation Valley ATV Club Winter Fun Run

Nation Valley ATV Club is located 20 minutes South of Ottawa and maintains trails near Winchester, Hallville, South Mountain, and Osgoode. On January 8, the NVATVC invites you to join them for their Annual Winter Fun Run. The Fun Run is open to members and non-members alike. It's a perfect opportunity to come and see what the Winter Trails are all about. Participants depart from the Winchester Pioneer Gas Station for a guided tour of the trail loop.
Registration: Day passes are available on site for non-members.

Saturday, January 21, 2017
ATV Club of Eastern Ontario Night Ride & Bean Supper

The ATVCEO has a large mixed trail network in Prescott and Russell Counties. The club is hosting their Annual Night Ride (and Bean Supper) on January 21, and would love for you to join them. The ride begins at the Ronald Lalonde Community Center in St.Pascal and heads out on groomed winter trails through the LaRose Forest and surrounding areas, stopping at the club’s warm-up shack for a bonfire and bean supper, afterwards returning to the community centre.
Registration: An OFATV membership is required. Day passes will be available for non-members at registration.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Glendaler’s Winter Sports Club Poker Run

Glendalers Winter Sports Club’s trails are located in the Seaway Valley. They stretch from Cornwall to the Quebec Border along the St. Lawrence River and as far North as Alexandria. On January 28, the Glendalers invite you to join them for their first Poker Run of the Winter season. The club has chosen the Char-Lan Skating Club as the recipients of their Sunday Brunch Fundraiser and the ride will start at the Char-Lan Recreation Center in Williamstown. The ride culminates with a spaghetti supper, a great way to warm up after a cold day on the trails!

Registration: If you are not a member of the Glendaler’s Winter Sports club, purchasing breakfast to support the Char-Lan Skating club allows you to ride their trails for free for the day.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
NVATVC 5th Annual Telus ATV Ride for Dad
The winter rides culminate in a blow-out event in South Mountain, hosted by the Nation Valley ATV Club. Participants are invited to join NVATVC for their 5th Annual charity event, raising funds and awareness for Prostate Cancer research, treatment, and testing. Riders will meet at the South Mountain Fairgrounds to ride out on groomed winter trails. With stops at warming fires along the route and a trailside lunch before returning to the hall for dinner, prizes, and awards.
Registration: Riders are asked to collect pledges for Prostate Cancer research.

Other Rides
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Glendalers Winter Sports Club Poker Run
Saturday, February 11, 2017
ATV Club of Eastern Ontario Winter Rally

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