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Discover Sledarama—Ontario's Best Grassroots Snowmobile Show

The soul of Ontario snowmobiling will be alive & well at the 19th Annual Sledarama Snowmobile Show & Swap Meet on Sunday, November 20th in Peterborough. To set the stage, let’s go back many years ago, when #ontariosnowtrails were young. Some of us still have fond memories of the Markham Snowmobile Show. Held in agricultural buildings at the old Markham Fairgrounds, it was rustic, friendly, laidback—and often smelled like it had just been vacated (so to speak) by a herd of cattle. We’d walk from building to building through plastic tunnels and in lousy weather (which seemed to be most of the time) trying to avoid sinking our vehicles in muddy parking lots. Markham had a special rural soul and many still bemoan its loss. But it's spirit lives on…

Most Popular Little Show
If you’ve got a hankering for the old days or simply want a show that’s still firmly connected to the grassroots of snowmobiling, look no farther than the 19th Annual Sledarama Snowmobile Show. It’s run by Joe Scollard, a local rider who founded the show to give something back to snowmobiling and to provide area sledders with an event close to home, “where everybody knows your name.” And you know what? His creation has turned into the most popular little snowmobile show in Ontario!

Hay Days North
That’s partly because the Sledarama Snowmobile Show is reminiscent of Markham in many ways. It’s also the closest thing we have to Hay Days, the famous annual snowmobile event in Minnesota. First and foremost, the Sledarama Show is 100% snowmobiling, just like Markham was. Inside, exhibitors offers everything a snowmobiler could possibly want, including sled dealers, lodgings and OFSC snowmobile clubs, sprinkled with an eclectic mix of the mom ‘n’ pop-style aftermarket companies like those that used to be the mainstay of Markham—there’s even a Custom & Antique Sled Show and Shine where you can vote for best of show!

Outside and in the adjacent Morrow Building is where the show gets really interesting. Here’s where you’ll discover a good-sized flea market, with vendors selling everything from used sleds to all kinds of parts and accessories. It’s a great place for snowmobilers to browse, reminisce and swap sledding stories.
Sunday Only

Another reason why the Sledarama Snowmobile Show is so popular is because it’s a one-day only RETAIL event (Sunday). Exhibitors love that it’s only on a single day that doesn’t interfere with their workweek. They also appreciate that booth space doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, and that snowmobilers are coming to shop. Show-goers like it's casual, down-home ambience, being able to shop without pressure, and a $7 admission fee that enables the whole family to attend without breaking the bank. Parking’s free too!
What to expect for 2016
For 2016, the primary exhibit area continues to be held at the Peterborough Memorial Centre with 285 indoor and 70 outdoor booths. There’s even going to be a Markham-style tunnel joining the Memorial Centre to the Morrow Building! Plus, Joe’s added Triton Trailers and Arctic Cat giveaways, seminars, video screens, and much, much more!

When & Where
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