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Please note this page may no longer be up to date. For new stories about Northern Ontario visit us here.
Not a Fish Story
Real Photo Evidence of Big Catches

2014 seems to have been an unusual year for weather, but a fantastic year for fishing!
2014 came in with a bang with -40C temperatures across the region. The cold weather and record amounts of snowfall continued well into the Spring. Summer finally came but so did the rains. Lakes across the region were at record high levels. Docks were underwater, people were sandbagging, but what were the fish doing?
With the late spawn and high waters, it was a little bit harder to find the fish this year, but when they were found, look out!
I wanted to create one article showcasing the trophy fish that were caught and released in Sunset Country this past year, but it turned out there too many great fish to list on one article. I've broken it down by species.
Check out the massive fish that were caught and released in Northwest Ontario in 2014:
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