Winter wonderland

A magic ride in the snow

Arctic Cat was kind enough to supply a demonstration ATV to us folks at Go Riding for the season. I picked the unit up in the late fall, and in the dark. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later that I had the opportunity to get it out as I was busy, and didn’t want to get it all dirty as warm weather stayed late this year.

What a gem. This bold red shiny machine sure stood out on the snow. I was quite surprised at how the machine handled the snow. Arctic Cats are inherently lighter than other ATVs, and this is a huge advantage in the snow. The machine was able to get up on top of the snow when others seemed to be digging their way through.

Arctic Cat 700 ATV in the snow 01
Arctic Cat 700 ATV standing out in the snow

Winter is a beautiful time of year... I am not saying I like the cold, but embracing each season, along with the changes to Ontario’s landscapes, never allow you to get tired of it. Finally having the time to get out for a tour, and after some colder weather had hardened the snow, I was truly able to get out into the winter wonderland that we live in.

You can see so far in the winter without the leaves on the trees blocking your view, and the snow covered branches are a sight to see. Small streams are no longer muddy but crystal clear as they babble along the ice-lined staggering paths they choose. Wildlife catches your eye, even in the distance against the white background, like the rafter of turkeys that grabbed my attention just as I turned a corner into a snow covered field.

The highlight of my trip was certainly the moment I began ascending a hill carved in the rock just when a gust of wind dislodged some of the snow from the branches above. Huge snowflakes the size of golf balls floated down around me like magic.

Arctic Cat 700 ATV in the snow 04
Scenic lookout over Dunedin, Ontario

After a few stops to gaze out over the valley to the south from the lookout, and to the east over the mill pond far below, I headed back. Every minute of my journey was feeding my soul and lifting my spirits.

Ontario is right out our backyards (literally in my case); all we need to do is get out there and enjoy it.

Many OFATV clubs now offer winter riding; some in the east have groomed trails designed for ATVs with wheels (no tracks required). If you don’t have your own ATV, why not call Redline Outdoors? They offer rentals or tours throughout the year. Or try one of the other great companies offering guided tours in Ontario

About Mark Hamerton

Ontario facinates me; the farther I go in the bush, the more I feel at home. I love showing people new riding areas, and the countless stunning locations you can get to on an ATV.

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