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Celebrating 10 Years of Doing it Right with the ATV Club of Eastern Ontario

Fall is in the air and with it comes one of the busiest seasons for ATVing in Ontario. With the hustle and bustle of the Summer months behind us, the organized Fall rides come out in full force! Fall is a fantastic season filled with beautiful fall colours, and what better way to get out and see those colours than on your ATV!?

The ATV Club of Eastern Ontario hails from District 1 of the Ontario Federation of All-Terrain Vehicles. Located in the beautiful land South-East of Ottawa, ATVCEO and can boast that it is the largest OFATV club in the province when it comes to number of members.
In celebration of their 10th Anniversary, ATVCEO invited members and non-members alike to join them for a celebratory fall ride on September 26th. Member clubs across the district answered the invitation and joined ATVCEO at the Robert Lalonde Community Centre in St-Pascal, Ontario.

The weather was beautiful, and the fall colours were just starting to blossom along the extensive trail system. Halfway through the trail system at the ATVCEO club house, volunteers were preparing a smoked pork dinner with celebratory birthday cake to mark the big 10 year birthday of ATVCEO.

After lunch, riders chose their own adventure and looped around the trail system as they pleased. Several participants took advantage of the trail running through the heart of Cassleman.

Some went through the Tim Hortons drive-thru to get themselves a Canadian trade-mark double-double. Others chose to stay away from the built-up areas and took a tour through the beautiful Larose Forest.

It was a wonderful way to celebrate both the changing of the seasons, and a milestone for the ATV Club of Eastern Ontario. We look forward to joining ATVCEO for their famous Winter rides in the upcoming Winter season!

This is the best time for ATVing in Ontario. What are you doing this weekend? Pick a destination and go!
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