Jenna McKeown

Jenna McKeown has loved fishing since she was a young girl. Now as a young adult attending university, she has learned the basics of fly fishing. Like all good anglers, she welcomes instruction and education on all aspects of fly fishing and fish. She hopes to inspire other young girls and women to learn more about fly fishing and the great outdoors. Currently Jenna is attending university to become a teacher focused on one day instructing primary grade students in French. Jenna is a passionate singer, songwriter and guitarist. She produces much of the music used in The New Fly Fisher.

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Eagle Lake Island Lodge

Fish for Walleye, Northern Pike, Muskie, Smallmouth Bass, Lakers and Whitefish

Fishing The Shoulder Season

Incredible Smallmouth Bass and Northern Pike fishing at The Outpost Lodge in the Mississagi Valley

Fishing for Ontario Wild Brook Trout At Northern Skies Resort

Targeting wild brook in the local rivers, creeks and streams of Algoma Country, Ontario.

Fantastic Fishing At Melwel Lodge

A father daughter fishing trip for smallmouth bass in Ontario's Algoma Country.

Dreams of Bass at Waterfalls Lodge

This drive-to lodge is the perfect location for anyone looking to get a little R&R.

Big Bass Bonanza at Birchland Cottages

The perfect location to spend time with your family and enjoy the incredible fishing.

Drive-In Fishing Lodges in Algoma

Home to unique lodges that provide anglers with excellent fishing, wildlife, and accommodations.

Paradise Cove Resorts

On the hunt for Musky in Ontario's Sunset Country

More Than a Sport: Fly Fishing in Algoma

Whether you’re topwater crazy or love exploring the water column with streamers, there is no limit here in Algoma.

Fly-in Destination

Errington's Wilderness Island is ideal for families and friends

Multi-Species Fly-Fishing

The Top 5 Flies to Have in Your Fly Box.

10 Essential Items to Put in Your Boat

Often easily forgotten items that take emergency preparedness to next level

Fishing the Regions of Northern Ontario

There is more than meets the eye

Big Smallmouth Bass

Fly Fishing at Branch's Seine River Lodge

Trophy Fishing in Northern Ontario

Northern Ontario offers anglers a variety of choices of species and fishing options.

Family Fishing Getaway

Jenna sets her sights on Northern Ontario Smallmouth Bass.

Late Summer Smallmouth Bass Fishing

Explore Lake Huron as you stay at Bruce Bay Cottages and Lighthouse in Bruce Mines.