Insider Info: Forks of the Credit Day Trip

The best motorcycle road that's anywhere near Toronto is short but it sure delivers. You've got to ride the Forks of the Credit.

The Locals Know...

Each weekend when the weather is decent, you can find riders from all around Ontario descending on the Forks of the Credit road to enjoy a quick little blast along a windy road with incredible views, and one heck of a hairpin turn. While the road itself isn't that long, the twists and turns and proximity to the city make it a must ride destination for many urbanite riders.

South of the road itself are the Cheltenham Badlands. Badlands are a geologic formation of soft rock that doesn't grow any vegetation and forms dozens of small rolling hills and valleys. Even if you're not into hiking, you can catch most of the view from the Olde Baseline Road that takes you right by.

Higher Ground Co. - An Ontario Rider Hangout

Then it's off to Higher Ground in Belfountain to sit down, talk and have one of the best coffees in the county. It's become an informal meeting place that riders seem to gravitate to, so you're sure to meet a few like minded people who want to tell stories, talk rides, and boast about gear. They even have little plywood squares throughout the parking area to keep kickstands from sinking into hot asphalt.

A Ride to Remember

Part of the great appeal is the natural beauty of the river, the short but inspiring ride on the Forks of the Credit road and the small towns along the way. Seeing friendly faces each week during the riding season, especially when you can't get out for a long trip across the province, is a great way to stay in touch. Watch out for a close encounter with some Ontario wildlife at the end of this clip, heading east on Forks of the Credit road from Belfountain.

Most people ride down in the morning and leave before the light has left the sky, but if you're looking to make a weekend of it, the Hills of Headwaters tourism board has many great suggestions on things to do, places to go as well as food and accommodations. Grab a cone at Cool Scoops (closed on Tuesdays). The Credit Valley Conservation area has an incredible park with access to bridges over spectacular waterfalls just around the corner from Higher Ground. The small entry fee goes towards the conservation of the parkland area so that future generations can enjoy this natural beauty.

Cheltenham Badlands. Yes, this is in Ontario. Photo: Gary J. Wood

Ontario Parks maintains some picnic areas, scenic views and public washrooms in the area and there are plenty of unique shops, restaurants and cafés that brush off tourist trappings with their down-home feel. There are dozens of local roads that make excellent day trips in Ontario. If you're thinking of taking a long trip in the province, check out our series on Ontario’s Best Roads:

About Mike Jacobs

Mike is an avid Northern traveller, having spent years traversing its backroads, and visiting its remote lodges and fun cities by car, RV, motorcycle, and boat. There's always something new to discover in the North and Mike never shies away from the next great adventure. Mike is the chairman of the board for the Tourism Technology Company.

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