Amazing Winter Pictures from Across Sunset Country that You Won't Believe are Real

A sudden heat wave in Ontario has provided a clear canvas for some truly incredible winter photographs
It's been unseasonably warm across the province of Ontario.
Fall weather in Sunset Country has been considerably mild throughout almost the entire northern portion of the province which has given this typically winter-bound part of the world a much deserved extended Fall.
It wasn't until the beginning of the last week of November that a winter storm hit northern communities like a tonne a bricks; leaving ice-covered roads and sub zero temperatures in its wake.
The sudden winter blast left many places looking like this:

Near Sioux Narrows in late November
and this:

In Atikokan, Ontario. Courtesy of Tourism Atikokan
It's safe to say that most people, myself included, weren't ready for the sudden onset of snow. Nevertheless it was accepted that winter had finally arrived.
Or so we thought.
A sudden warm spell swept through the province this past week which has put an abrupt halt on our nearly crafted winter wonder land and has certainly become the go-to topic for small talk across the region.
The inception of this warm weather is, for the most part, due to El-nino activity. El-nino refers to the oscillation patterns of warm air across various parts of the Pacific - central coasts and affects primarily the western hemisphere.
It was predicted that 2015-2016 winter would have above average temperatures though it's certain that no one expected the effects of El-nino to reach the magnitude that it did.

Courtesy of the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls
This photo was taken only a few weeks after the first one near the Township of Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls. Yes, that is open water, and yes, they are boating.
In fact, most lakes are experiencing little to no ice in many areas and have become the subject of many photographs which could easily be mistaken for early spring.

Courtesy of Tomahawk Resort
I mean really, look at all the open water. Again, this is December we're talking about.

Courtesy of Crow Rock Lodge
There are some places that still have some snow and frozen lakes, though the photos produced in these areas remain equally as excellent.

Courtesy of Sleepy Dog Cabins
Slightly less than freezing temperatures over night cause evaporating water droplets to crystallize, covering everything in a thin layer of frozen dew known as Hoarfrost.

Photo by Gerry Cariou, Sunset Country
Hoarfrost makes everything look as though it's straight from a story book.

Photo By Gerry Cariou, Sunset Country
A remarkable December thaw has set in and, according to the forecast, it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.
Winter will arrive eventually and when it does I'm certain it will be here to stay. In the mean time, however, enjoy the weather and all of the magnificent photography that it's bound to produce. After all, it's not every year that fall lasts until December.
Want to see more amazing winter photos? Like Sunset Country on Facebook to see spectacular pictures from across the region.
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