A Perfect Weekend Itinerary in Kenora, Ontario

Discover these top itinerary ideas and plan your own trip to Northwest Ontario today!
MS Kenora cruising Lake of the Woods

A trip to Kenora, Ontario is a great way to relax and enjoy yourself. Take your family or go with a group of friends—there is a lot to see and do in this northwestern corner of the province. Situated on the shores of Lake of the Woods—often called the sixth Great Lake—the friendly city is full of opportunities for outdoor adventure. 

Here is a sample itinerary for a weekend in Kenora to give you some ideas.

Day 1 (Evening)

If you are travelling from nearby cities lie Winnipeg, Duluth, or Thunder Bay—or anywhere within a day's drive to Kenora—you'll likely arrive on a Friday evening. The first step is to book your hotel, motel, or bed and breakfast accommodations at one of the many places to stay in Kenora.  After you arrive and get checked in, you'll be ready to go out for a bite to eat—there are many great restaurants and dining establishments in Kenora to choose from. After a good dinner, you can return to your hotel, motel, or B&B and relax for the rest of the evening. 

Alternative activity: Hire a guide and go for an afternoon or evening fishing excursion!

There are several local fishing guides in Kenora who can take you out for the day!

Day 2 (Morning)

Start your day off with a little exercise and go for a hike on one of the many urban hiking trails located in Kenora. Tunnel Island, Mink Bay, or a little further afield, the Vernon Nature Trails are all good choices. You will get to walk through a forested area, see some water close up, and generally have a great time. If you don't want to venture through the woods, then take a walk along the streets and check out Kenora's Heritage Townscape Murals.  Additional insight into Kenora's history can be found at the "murmur" locations throughout town. Once you find one of these, there will be a phone number available to call that will provide information on the historic significance of the building or spot you are at.  This activity should take up the morning and we are sure after all that walking you will be ready to go for lunch.

Day 2 (Afternoon)

Transportation is your theme for Saturday afternoon. After a good lunch head to the Harbourfront dock and catch the 1:30 cruise on the MS Kenora Cruise Ship. You'll get a guided tour of the incredible Lake of the Woods - see bald eagle nests, white pelicans, and million-dollar cottages on the lake. This is a two-hour cruise that is a "must-do" for anyone who visits Kenora. After you step off the cruise you have some time before supper to continue your discovery of Kenora's transportation history.

You have two choices here - you can either visit the Lake of the Woods Railroad Museum located near Norman Park or take a 45-minute ride on a venerable Canadian bush plane. To book a flightseeing trip, just turn right after stepping off of the MS Kenora cruise and head straight to the 2nd Street docks - you can't miss it - the dock has 3-7 bush planes moored there at any one time. After your trip to the Railroad Museum or ride on the bush plane you will be ready for supper and a cold beverage. For the rest of the evening, we suggest you relax and explore downtown, maybe go bowling or take in a movie.

If it's hot out, you can always go swimming at one of 5 beaches in Kenora

Day 3 (Morning)

We know it will be a warm sunny day on Sunday (we arrange this just for the tourists) so we suggest you make Sunday morning your water sports time. Try renting a kayak or canoe, go swimming at Coney Island Beach or other local beaches (Kenora has 5 in total), go boating, even scuba diving, and enjoy the recreational opportunities Lake of the Woods offers. We suggest a beachside or lakeside lunch/picnic is the right dining choice—try a barbecue—you'll love it.

Husky the Muskie overlooking Lake of the Woods

Day 3 (Afternoon)

Take this afternoon to visit any one of the amazing attractions in Kenora. We know you have to get home because you have to go to work on Monday morning—but here are a few other local attractions to check out. There is Canada's neatest little museum - the Muse - easily one of the finest small museums in Canada. Another interesting piece of Kenora's history is the Mather-Walls House in Keewatin. Both attractions offer the visiting tourist an informative tour so if you can see them both in the time you have available, we encourage you to do so.

On your way back home make sure you make a quick stop at McLeod Park to see Kenora's mascot, Husky the Muskie! This 35-foot tall statue of the Lake of the Woods' most famous fish is a definite roadside attraction you won't want to miss.

Well there you have it, a weekend in Kenora is a great choice for you, your family and friends. You can obtain more information about visiting Kenora from the folks who run Tourism Kenora or you can call them direct at 1-800-535-4549.

About Gerry Cariou

Gerry is the Executive Director of Ontario's Sunset Country Travel Association and is an avid fisherman and nature photographer. Gerry has been writing about Sunset Country's varied travel experiences for over 20 years and lives these experiences year-round in Kenora, Ontario.

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