
James Bai, aka Wobblycat, knows riding. Hailing from the Greater Toronto Area, he traded in his office desk for handlebars in 2016 and is now location-independent, travelling on his motorcycle across North America, from Mexico to the Arctic Ocean and the roads (and off-roads) in between.

More Articles By Wobblycat

Best Roads in Ontario: Ride the Highlands' Highway 35

Beautiful scenery, plentiful services, and lots of sweet curves: this road has it all.

A Motorcyclist's Guide to he Grand Algoma Tour (By Way of Manitoulin)

Lake Huron to Superior and back—663 km of pure bliss.

My Favourite Motorcycle Meet-Ups and Weekly Motorcycle Events

Find a meet near you and get social!

Then and Now

Why riding the Highlands only gets better with time

Highway 71

Ontario's best roads

Women in Ontario Motorcycling

Part 3

Women in Ontario Motorcycling

Part 2 - Margot and Elaine

Free and Easy

A Guide to Moto Camping in 6 Easy Steps

How an Ontario Rider Copes with Winter

3 motorcycle shows for the 2019 season

Back in the Saddle Again

Shaking off the cobwebs in Prince Edward County

Why This Year More Than Ever You Should Ride Your Motorcycle

Did you know riding decreases stress and improves your mental capacity? It's also a whole lot of fun

Meet Vagabondesss

Riding solo, crossing the country, and making the road her home.

Emergency Prep Tips

Do you have your ICE ready?

5 Must Visit Ontario motorcycle destinations

Carousels, Waterfalls, Grottos and Racetracks

"Enjoy Your Stay"

Tips for crossing the U.S./Canada border on a motorcycle.

Driven to Insanity

The 2015 Mad Bastard Scooter Rally

Have dog, will travel

Motorcycling with your canine companion

My Favourite Things in Ride the Highlands

The best roads, the best eats (Beavertails anyone?), and more!

Biking on a Budget

Tips for the thrifty motorcycle traveller

Women in Ontario Motorcycling

Part 1 - Karen and Alexandra