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High Flying Fun Downtown: 2016 Kingston Show N Shine

Much more than just a massive Show N Shine, this weekend has something for the whole family.

A no-brainer for motorcycle enthusiasts in the Kingston area, all around Ontario and New York, the Kingston Show N Shine is where to be on this weekend. With custom bike displays of all types, sizes and brands, a huge Show N Shine and many other attractions, this free event also doubles as a vital fundraiser for charities in the local community.

Saturday July 16 — 12noon to 5pm

The 2016 Kingston Show N Shine

Downtown Kingston in Front of City Hall


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Photo Credit: Rick Mousseau

The day will also include

Internationally Recognized Motorcycle Stunt Team

A "smoke shack" food vendor

Live Music and Entertainment

Vendor's Village

Motorycle Skills Demonstration by the Kingston Police

Live and Static Displays

Lots of Prizes

and of course...a massive Show N Shine!

Located on the shores of Lake Ontario between Toronto and Montreal and 1.5hrs north of Syrcacuse, Kingston is where to be to enjoy the day amongst some of the nicest bikes from the region and beyond. There is no fee for bikes or for spectators. Just come out and enjoy the fun!

SnS Jumps

About Staff Writer, What A Ride

What A Ride covers stories, events and perspectives from the worlds of motorcycling, snowmobiling, ATVing and boating. Motorized adventures, full-tilt, 24/7.